Saturday, May 16, 2015

The birds on my door!

I'm Hey! So a month or so ago a bird made a nest on my door and layed  some eggs
They hatched a few weeks later and were kinda ugly
They grew really big but then one dayI was taking Lila ( my dog )out and the baby birds were all perched up in the nest so I was all like oh snap, the I closed the door and they all jumped off! 1 went to our yard, an other hopped down the road. ( I dont know  where the other 2 went ) the one that was in the road almost got hit by a car 3 times, for the one that went into a yard, It was much worse  ( but it has a happy ending, don't worry ) so Tanner ( my bratty neighbor ) was at my neighbors house, they saw the baby bird and started to chase it so I was all like leave it alone you piece of crap. ( sorry ) They chased it into the neighbors backyard and trapped it under a fence. Then my nice neighbor came over and told them to stop, they did, for a little bit... DUN DUN DUN. They went into there garage and got a BOX I was like oh crAp. They caught the bird and threw it in the box the mom ( of the neighbors house that Tanner was at ) came and put the bird in our yard were it happily hopped into our garage then Tanner was all like oh, I didn't know that it was just a baby! Even thought I ALREADY TOLD HIM THAT!
The end :)

      - tess

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